
Awards Day

Where this is the last week of school, there are tons of awards day. Here are the awards that we got this week. (if i didn't forget anyone, or anything)

On Monday the 19th the little girls (Ella and Molly) got recognized for accelerated reader (ar) points.

Molly, who is in 1st grade, got a medal for getting over 100 ar points.

Ella, who is in 4th grade, got a trophy for getting over 200 ar points. She actually got 510 ar points, but they can't recognize anything over 200 ar points for privacy reasons! They did last year and all the other schools did, but can Hickory Creek? NO!!! They are not allowed, it is against the rules!

All awards from the Warren County Middle School are certificates, unless otherwise marked.
Yesterday, Wednesday the 21, Was Harrison's awards day at Warren County Middle School.

Harrison is not telling me what he got right now, but I think he got like 3 awards.

Today, Thursday the 22, was me and Lucy's awards day at WCMS.

Lucy got
  • the presidential gold award. To get this award you have to have made all a's or b's in your 6th, 7th, and 8th grade years. You also had to make advanced on TCAP in math and reading in your 7th grade year.
  • perfect attendance,
  • all a's in reading
  • and all a's in english.

(Lucy also got all a's in Science, but he messed up and forgot to give her award)

I (Rachel) got
  • the presidential gold award
  • HomEbase citizenship award- I got a certificate and a medal for this one
  • all a's in American History
  • best all around in Science- I got a certificate and a medal for this one
  • all a's in Science
  • all a's in English
  • all a's in Reading
  • top ar points for the team (634)

I don't think that William has an awards day.

Tomorrow we have to go pick up report cards and then...


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